Thursday, November 19, 2009


Something just piss me off today...
She text me, blame that I never inform her earlier once I got accident?
Why don't she clarify something...WHY I don feel like call her once I got accident?
Secondly, HOW am I going to call her on bed?

She seriously piss me off, trying to find fight with me? or trying to make me more sick?
Hate the feeling!! Just ask yourself...
What is the first respond to me when I called you that I was in hospital?
You are just asking bout your damn fucking car!
As I told you..I never drive..But you keep shouting through the phone & wrong me
That's why you make me don't feel like call u once I got accident!
Don try to find a fight with me at the moment! You make me even more sick!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Few days later after it happen...

tire..i'm tire...finally tears flow after it happened few days later..
It was the first time happen in my life, the very first & serious moment happen to me.
It makes me miss my daddy & my brother & all my friends so much...
At least..they will always stay at my side, giving me support
for not saying harsh things to annoy or hurt me.
Well I know is the harsh time I will getting through right now
With the coming scar appear on my face,
the face where I care so much...Tell me how can I take this? I have no idea..
I"M FRUST!!PANIC? WORRY? I just feel like crying everytime I think of the scar will appear forever on my face!

I wish the time can turn back..eventhough it happen again the same shit on me...

at least I will have the chance to protect my face..
i rather the fracture happen on my legs or hands..but not on my face!

I do feel down at the moment..i gonna try less to show up in the public..
Everyone look at me like a weird people...a girl with a big wound on the face..
I don dare to look i always have to look down to the that no one can see me..

Anyhow...I do feel touch of everyone being so caring..especially him.. thanks darling & all my beloved friends~

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Reflecting the past of the year where i had in State.
it is just a mess...
a stupidest me for trust & rely on someone that mean so much to me

Promises were just lies & hurts..
where hold me till the month before
where make me lost myself in these first year of my life in State.
Make me feel so miserable in my life.
Sadness, tears, emotionally get destroy
Life got crash with those empty promises.

People asking me
What happen to me?
Where is the Jo that i know?
Speechless me..
I guess too many things happened
make me lost in my life
I changed...change to someone that i can't figure out

I should feel grateful to the someone
someone who gave me the first worst year memory in State
I woke up from the stupidest of me
And no more getting back
No more again, or last..
It was the end..Since the day I choose to let go

I realize I'm no longer the Jo i used to be..I changed without might happened during how i got treated.but i do wanted to be back who i used to be..

I know i have to move my ass up to work things out
No longer get effected by anyone else..but myself..
I know i shouldn't give any excuses or blames on to stop myself stay stronger & live better for what i have right now..where am i right now..
I do know that..the only way to survive is to start my journey right now..
I gonna get it started, appreciate the moment now & go back Malaysia to visit my buddies...missing them so badly!!

Remember those time having fun together, work together, party together
Whenever,whoever get down or emo-ing
we will leave everything aside & spending time to each others all day & night~
Yam Ca-ing, ShiSha-ing, Hang around the Malls
Nathan's the place where we gathered, settle the problems among the gang..sharing the happiness & sadness together...
The paradise we used to go...MICH's HoUSE..WINE, FOODS...YUMmY..
Walk around the night market..seeking for my favorite snacks~
PArty every weekends...drink crazily, sexy dance..dirrty dance..when the effective of alcoholic started in our mind...

The funny things in our gang...whoever has relation problem, the others will be facing the same problems one by one..whoever get well in relations...others will got effected! what a crap?or a curse? lol~ it did happened on us for so many times...that's make us believe the fate we have together...

YoU GuYs wiLL nEvEr b FORGOtTen iN MY LIFE!!

Marc & Jo the moment working together in TF Doing some crazy stuff together in the office..

Will always remember this day you guys made for me.. Remember the tears the smiles the companion to walk me through the gate Appreciate for never letting me alone till the end~

Never Drink ALonE~

Our Family DinnEr~~

Thanks for the surprise farewell+pre celebration birthday dinner! Never forget the way Marcus "con" me to here!
~ TOuchiNG MoMeNT

*MISS U..U...& U....*